We believe in:

  • floral design that is inviting, playful, and intriguing to all senses

  • honoring brief, magical moments in time

  • self expression, intuition, and playfulness

  • the absolute magic that is love between two people


Never forceful in design, we let the flowers lead the way! Starting with a foundation based on the client’s story and venue, our approach to curating the details is intuitive. Rooted in the playfulness and curiosity of unique floral combinations, we work to tell a story honoring the moment, the season, and botanical magic. We strive to create a truly unique sensory experience - because you don’t want your wedding to look like the last 8 weddings you went to this year.


The Designers

Breesa Lee Everett

Founder, Head Designer

The Original Flower Obsessor

About: Breesa is a multi-disciplinary artist and has been working with flowers for two decades, coast to coast and overseas. Spontaneous to a fault and easily inspired (aka distracted), she’s either doing something flowery or hanging with her partner and kids.

Cynthia Salas

Lead Designer + Event Management

Real Life Flower Mermaid

About: Cynthia’s love of flowers began as a kid working alongside assisting her grandparents who were expert gardeners. The expansive property introduced her to all varieties of floral beauty and instilled a deep appreciation for working with her hands and keeping them busy.

Mikey Coffey

Designer + Rental Management

Flower Charmer

About: breesa needs to give him time to write this

My flowery daydreams include: this too - coming soon